To access the COMMUNITY, tap the COMMUNITY icon.

1. CREATE A NEW POST - Tap in this box to open the NEW POST screen.

From here you can:

Write your Post

Add a Photo or short Video 

Create a BEFORE & AFTER Photo

2. FILTERS are a way of narrowing down the posts you’re seeing.

HOME - Displays all posts in order of the last post/comment or reply.

USERS LIKE ME - Shows posts from users with a similar profile (age/weight/interest)

MY POSTS - Will display any posts that you have created/replied to.

FAVS - Will display any posts that you have favorited

3. FILTERS (a second option)

4. NOTIFICATIONS (will be in the top left corner on Apple devices) - tap to see replies to your posts or new posts in your chosen groups. The [...] in the top right corner will allow you to Mark All Read.

5. INVITE FRIENDS to use Healthi.

6. PINNED POSTS - These posts contain answers to the most commonly asked questions from our Support Center.

7. CATEGORIES - Use these common #hashtags to mark your post for easy searching.

8. EDITING YOUR OWN POST - Tap the [...] on any post you have created and want to edit. CLOSE COMMENTS will prevent any further comments from being made on your post. EDIT allows you to make any changes, including to the original image, and update your post.

DELETE A POST - This action cannot be undone so be sure before you delete.


Tap the [...] on any comment.

FOLLOW allows you to follow the person who posted the comment.

REPORT ABUSE Be sure to only report comments that you think are truly abusive. BLOCK USER allows you to block a person from commenting on your posts.

10. LIKE - Like a post.

11. COMMENT - Make a comment on a post.

12. SHARE - Share a post.